Here's where you can find a pretty good independent review of my albums
"Rattlesnake Love" in The Rocking Magpie online review (July 2020)
And what some listeners have written to me:
"The Rattlesnake Love album with its influences of "... classic American rock, blues, punk and alt-country" is right up my alley!" - Scott A. Bufton (Houston, TX)
"Lovin' Rattlesnake Love. Well done!" - Shakeel Butt (Watford, UK)
"Downloaded the album earlier and listening now. It's doing nothing for the insomnia, but it's put a massive grin on my face. Lovin' It" - Paul Dubbelman, Double Exposure Photography (London, UK)
"I am truly impressed" - Claudio Olerni (Reading, UK)
"Wow, Very rocking. Loving the heavy guitars" - Jack Cade, Americana and Alt-Country artist (Brighton, UK)
"Woof Woof! Nice one Jimmy!" - Scott Donaldson, Lead singer/guitarist, Atlantic Sons and Subdeluxe